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Luxurious, diamond-polished necklace. All sunset's colors are cosily blended in this necklace - the pink tones of the evening sky and also the last sunbeams' flashes of the setting sun.

1 Item

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463,00 €

+ -


Weight 56,6g
Consist Amber
Colors Lemon, Cognac, Cherry
Length 50cm
Dimensions Amber dimension up to ~ 1,7x0,6 cm

Diamond polishing - an accurate and valuable way of amber processing, when a natural piece of amber is being polished and the angularity of a diamond is given. Such amber pieces reflect the sunbeams and sparkle with hundreds of shades.

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Luxurious, diamond-polished necklace. All sunset's colors are cosily blended in this necklace - the pink tones of the evening sky and also the last sunbeams' flashes of the setting sun.

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