Bracelets having a wide range of colors are created of luxurious white, mysterious green, warm brown and transparent yellow amber. Motley, contrastively colored bracelets are stringed combining differently colored amber.
Natural amber pieces are droplets that survived a history of millions of years gathering the solar energy and the energy of the universe. Natural amber pieces that had a minimal contact with human hands, will provide warmth and vitality.
Red string- the symbol protectsagainst misfortunes, the look of the evil eye and unpleasant unexpected turns of destiny. Amber- the oldest healing stone. Considered a symbol of success, protection, creativity, and prosperity, giving self- confidence.
A bracelet of lemon-colored, transparent cognac-colored and dark cherry-colored amber pieces. Natural amber pieces that had a minimal contact with human hands, will provide warmth and vitality.
A bracelet of lemon-colored, transparent cognac-colored, matted yellow and dark cherry-colored amber pieces. Natural amber pieces that had a minimal contact with human hands, will provide warmth and vitality.