Ceramic - grafic painting, plated with a 24-carat gold alloy by I. Kazlauskas.
Since the times of ancient Egypt civilization ship is a symbol of the journey of life. It carries a human through all the terrible storms and through calm waters. Every journey has it's destination - the sails of a ship catch the fair wind and bring the human to the shore of...
Ceramic - graphic painting, plated with a 24-carat gold alloy by I. Kazlauskas.
The human life is like a treasure which is gently swayed in the arms of angels. However, this treasure is created every day. It is enriched with new ideas, hopes and determinations. Every human's life is like a cosmic dance where with a help of kind powersharmonious world is...
Ceramic - graphic painting, plated with a 24-carat gold alloy, by I. Kazlauskas.
Due to it's exotic beauty and grace orchid is one of the most popular symbolic plants. They were used for the spells of love. Orchids were said to protect from illnesses, the bad eye, win success in gambling and bring wealth. Therefore the orchid symbolizes achievements in...
Ceramic - graphic painting, plated with a 24-carat gold alloy by I. Kazlauskas.
Human life is like a rolling sea - full of ups and downs, never calming down. That's why we all wish for as many moments as possible when everything goes well, desires come true, and life takes you on a wave.
Ceramic - graphic painting by I. Kazlauskas, gilded with a 24-carat gold alloy.
Harmony is a concord, consistency and unity. Entwined ornaments symbolises complex paths and labyrinths. It's important to find inner harmony, so in the journey of life, we would find laws maintaining order and balance.
Ceramic - graphic painting, plated with 24-carat gold alloy by I. Kazlauskas.
The Bridge is a symbol of connection and cooperation. It is graceful but strong and reliable just like a bond of friendship. Moreover, the bridge can symbolize the path which safely and smoothely leads a person to the destination.